Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Kamzang Fund Kids
Welcome! This Blog is an addition to the Kamzang website, Visit for more details. We also trek in the areas where we sponsor children, so some along for a trek if you want to see what we do!
Kim & young monks at Phuktal Gompa, Zanskar, Indian Himalaya
Kim & curiuos monks at Phuktal Gompa
Kathmandu, Nepal
Our cook, Junar Basnet's children coming for a visit at the Kathmandu Guest House. They both really need sponsors for school if anyone is interested. Both kids are bright and eager to learn but it's impossible for Junar to provide them with a good education at the school prices in Kathmandu.
We are looking for sponsors for both children.
Junar & the kids
Kathmandu, Nepal
Kiran with his son, Santos. Santos isn't able to speak properly, so is behind many levels in school. He recently was sponsored by one of our Ladakh trekkers, Marian, to get an operation for a cleft palate, but we discovered that it was only nerve damage and he only needs speach therapy. He is now going a few times per week to see a therapist.
Everest Region, Nepal
Ang Nuru, Lhakpa Kanchi & Phura Tashi
Ang Nuru is a guide in the Everest region who is unable to afford schooling in Kathmandu for his son. At the local schools he won't be able to get an education that will give him a better future. We are looking for a sponsor for his schooling.
Some Updates from the First Post
Phura Diki, one of our sponsored girls, at Boudhanath in Kathmandu with her Aunt
Lhakpa Zangmu & her cousin in the Everest region ...
The Thame gang!
Singee in a new green shirt ...
Kamzang sponsors!
Dawa Yangi and friend, with Lhakpa, in Monjo
Dawa Yangi & Nimalee in Monjo
Dawa Yangi, Nimalee & Mom Dali in the Kailash Lodge, visiting Kim's group
If you want to help sponsor a child, email Kim at:
And come for a trek in the Himalaya!